Wild West Gift Ideas
Our Stagecoach sculpture in one of our newest creations. This one was first made for a Wells Fargo executive, but anyone in transportation, equestrian or antique niches would
love this fine gift or award displayed in a bottle.
Wild West themed gifts are versatile, whether used for birthday, retirement, Mother’s Day, Christmas… Price: $95*

We have other Wild West gift ideas, personalized and prized! Start with Horse, Oil Pump, Oil Well, Mining Ore Wagon, Longhorn or even the Antique Car or Patriot Eagle sculptures.
All items are shipped in a high-impact corrugated container.
Allow 3-4 weeks delivery AFTER we receive your
20 business cards to be used in the sculpture.
*Shipping and sales tax for Illinois customers not included.
A similar idea for your consideration is the Conestoga Wagon Sculpture.